Tick! Primary school location confirmed

Following a State Government decision to select Dunsborough Lakes as a site for a future primary school development, Wallis Property is to provide land for the new facility in the heart of the estate.

A Department of Education spokesperson said: “We have been working with Wallis Property to finalise the location of the future primary school site in Dunsborough Lakes. The proposed site is located at the south end of the estate on the future extension of Dunsborough Lakes Drive, west of the intersection with Prestwick Road.

“The site will be 3.62ha in area and this location offers significant benefits with good road infrastructure and the potential for the sharing of the future district sports facilities on the abutting public open space.”

The decision to select Dunsborough Lakes for a new school is based on population growth and the number of children likely to reach school age in the review period. With total enrolments in Dunsborough Primary School in Old Dunsborough peaking this year at 699, it’s evident that a newschooling option will be required in the near future.

Watch this space for further updates.

Golfers take a shot at ownership

A Members’ vote to take on ownership of the Dunsborough Lakes Golf Club was almost unanimous, with all but one of the 144 members attending the meeting agreeing to the exciting new direction.

A five-person Board was quickly formed to support the bid, and steps were taken to raise funds for the purchase, which is anticipated to settle around mid-June 2014.

“What Members and visitors can expect is a whole new culture,” Board Chairman Graham Moore says. “We plan to introduce functions and dinners, co-ordinate corporate days and identify sponsorship opportunities. We would also like to extend benefits to non-members.”

In future, social memberships may also form part of the new format. The club wants to extend the use of the facilities with ideas such as six or nine-hole competitions for younger people with school-aged children, and there is potential to introduce crèche facilities and mothers’ clubs too.

“We have a good fun club and everyone who comes to us comments on the atmosphere,” adds Graham. “There’s so much to do, just like any business starting up, but there’s always a lot of laughter.”

A membership levy of between $300 and $1000 (distance dependent) was agreed with an overwhelming amount of support. However, the community is being encouraged to purchase debentures to help the Membership drive for ownership.